As the world is now entering the era of globalization, English is now part and parcel of T&L in Higher Education in Malaysia including UTM. Not all educators specifically lecturers posses an acceptable level of english writing compentency...indeed many of the lecturers are practising writing in English but thinking in Malay. I believe that this is not a problem to Malaysian students since Malaysian are belong to more than two speech communities...the only thing that really matters is when that particular piece of writing going into global english...what do you think?
There are raised issues on how Malaysian academic writings are not glocal enough. The content might be inventory but not the language. Well, there's several factors pertaining the matter. One main limitaton is in its rhetorical aspect. When a writer thinks in their native language and writes in ESL, there'll be a tendency to translate. And translating could affect the overall meaning thus influence the subject matter. How to overcome..? More courses on effective writing perhaps, and practice..practice..and more practice..
one need to be able to develop cross cultural thinking or perspectives to do that... thus the cultural content and assimilation of cultural values of the target language is important.
How many though could really differentiate it?
What about the "global culture?"
Though the good and bad transcend cultural values.
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